Lis Wiehl

Lis Wiehl is an acclaimed legal analyst, and the author of fiction and non-fiction works in the United States. She worked as a correspondent for NBC News, and National Public Radio's All Things Considered. New York Times best-selling author She has written more than 18 novels. One among them can be described as Hunting Charles Manson. Lis Werhl is a native of Yakima. West Valley High School, Yakima was where she earned her certificate. She graduated from Barnard College Columbia University with a bachelor's degree, in the year 1983. She received her MA Literature degree at Queensland University in 1995. Harvard Law School conferred her with a Doctorate degree in 1987. Lis Wiehl was born on 19th August 1961, is expected to be 60 by 2023. Her height is 6 feet and weight is around 78 pounds. Lis Wehl taught as an instructor of law at Washington School of Law Seattle from 1995 to 2001. She was a member of the Trial Advocacy Program and received several national honors during her tenure. When she attended Washington University, she began becoming a journalist and legal analyst for NBC News. As a pundit, she soon was recognized for her exceptional work. Wiehl is a former journalist working for NBC News as well as All Things Considered at National Public Radio, joined Fox News Channel in the job of a legal expert. She worked for the company for 15 years. In the fifteen years she was at FNC Barbara was a reporter on behalf of CNN NPR.

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